HOA Information

Currently, this website is managed by the HOA of plats 1 and 2 of Quail Run. Other plats are subject to other HOA boards/organizations rules and regulations. If you are not a resident of either plat, the following information does not apply to you; please return to the homepage.

A Homeowners' Association is run by a board of directors that is elected by homeowners to enforce/set rules and see to the maintenance and upkeep of the area.

While you've probably heard horror stories, an HOA can be very beneficial to a community over time while often being very minimally involved with the freedoms of homeowners themselves.

Annual dues help pay for whatever has been prioritized by the HOA at the time. This can range from communal maintence, sponsored events, litigation fees, etc.

You can follow the newsfeed to stay up-to-date on the current goals of the HOA.

You can make a payment for dues here.

Address - PO Box 149 Bondurant, Iowa 50035

Email - Quailrunbondurant@gmail.com

Board Members